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Tad-Vidhi : 'That' is the process

  Tad-Vidhi : ' That' is the process   { Octa-floraled offering unto the lotus feet of Sri Guru} आतां हृदय हें आपुलें । चौफाळुनियां भलें । वरी बैसऊं पाउलें । श्रीगुरूंचीं ॥  Let me prostrate my initial offerings of respectful obeisances unto the son of Mahadeva and Bhavani, Ganesha, who is wisdom-personified constantly bearing the name of Sri Rama on his tongue and whose tumuli always holds the lotus feet of Sriman Govinda, I, then offer my humble obeisances unto the lotus feet of Lord Shiva- the crest jewel of husband of Janaki, and Mata Bhavani, the external potency of Sriman Narayana! I then begin worshiping my spiritual master by whose mercy a dumb like me is writing the following, as ‘Tad-Vidhi: 'That' is the process’. Now, In the dark room filled with ignorance, I make my heart as a quadrilateral stool, Chauranga as it was done by Srila Jnaneshwar Maharaj- the disciple of Srila Nivrittinath, and then place the lotus paduka of my spiritual master, Om Vishnupada

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